Local Highlights

La Forge near Pontenx Les Forges - 4km

Historical, attractive enclave, with interesting ancient houses at the edge of a small lake.

Les Forges yesteryear: http://www.chez.com/jmloubere/pontenx/forg-etang.html

Les Forges today: http://www.chez.com/jmloubere/pontenx/forges2.html

Directions: take road to Labouheyre, go through Pontenx Les Forges and take road to Escource.

Lac de Mimizan-Aureilhan - 4km

Lake with beaches, watersports, wild-life, and restaurant bar.

Description: http://www.afleurdepau.com/40/Aureilhan/Site.htm

Directions: take road to Mimizan, after 3 km. turn right at roundabout sign-posted Etang, just in front of Pizza restaurant.

La Promenade Fleurie - Mimizan, Aureilhan Lake - 7km

Short walk through flowered promenade beside western end of Aureilhan Lake, north of Mimizan Bourg.

Photos: http://www.afleurdepau.com/40/Aureilhan2/Photos.htm

Description: http://www.afleurdepau.com/40/Aureilhan2/Site.htm

Bon Coin du Lac - Restaurant of Jean-Pierre Caule - 7km

Top notch restaurant near Promenade Fleurie, one of "20 most-loved favourite" restaurants in France.

Info: http://www.linternaute.com/sortir/sorties/resto/region/mimizan.shtml

Info: http://www.richard-binns.co.uk/pdf-file/la-p02-12.pdf

More general Mimizan information: http://www.mimizan-tourism.com